Where to Take the GMAT? Find the Right GMAT Test Center for Your GMAT

by Emmanuel Carita
1.5K views 9 minutes read
Where to Take the GMAT - Find the Right GMAT Test Center

If you intend to take the GMAT, you’ve undoubtedly already begun to consider the date and your preparation strategy. However, where to take the GMAT is something you might not have given much attention to.

In any case, your test results may be impacted by where you take the exam more than you may anticipate. After spending the time and effort to prepare for the exam, you want to be absolutely certain that the practical aspects of test day run as smoothly as possible.

Read on to learn more about where to take the GMAT. We will cover how to find a GMAT test center and book an appointment. You’ll also learn about tips and tricks to avoid stress with the organization of your GMAT exam.

Where to Take the GMAT?

In excess of 100 nations throughout the world have GMAT test centers open all year round. In fact, GMAC, which controls and operates the GMAT, promises that you will be able to schedule an appointment at any test location worldwide within 30 days. Many test-takers can choose when and where to take the exam as a result of this. Booking a GMAT test center at least two to three months in advance will guarantee that your preferred day and time frame are available.

Booking a GMAT Test Date and Center

Booking a slot for your GMAT exam is actually quite simple. Follow these 5 simple steps to book your exam:

  • 1. Go to MBA.com and navigate to the GMAT signup form.
  • 2. You can log in if you already have an MBA.com account. Otherwise, you may set up an account and continue.
  • 3. Locate a testing facility close to you and check out the available times and dates.
  • 4. You may analyze available dates and slots by selecting up to three test centers and filtering test centers by zip code, city, state, etc.
  • 5. After paying for the time slot and providing the necessary information, you can move on to reserve the slot. The bar at the top of the screen displays the process’s major turning points.

Things to Keep in Mind while Booking Test Date 

When choosing your test date, keep the following things in mind:

  • The information in your profile should correspond to the type of identification that the test center accepts (for example, your birth date, the name’s spelling, etc.)
  • The kind of IDs that are recognized depending on the nation.

Search for Available Appointments

Since the selections might vary greatly, it is important to confirm the start dates and days that are open for all of the GMAT venues you have chosen. For example, some facilities may exclusively provide early morning start hours, while others might offer mostly nighttime times. Consider what fits your schedule and your talents the best.

When choosing your test date, be sure to consider the deadline for your results carefully and if you will have sufficient time to prepare.

How to Select the Best Test Center

It’s important to take into account variables like these while choosing the right test center:

  • Closeness
  • Accessibility
  • Availability
  • Size of the test center


When choosing a GMAT facility, you should take your location’s proximity into account. You’ll almost certainly want to take the test at the nearby test center if there is just one available. Presumably, if you have a choice of several test locations in your city, you should pick the location that is most convenient for you. This cuts down on the amount of time it takes to go to the testing location. You would also need to consider the traffic on your trip to the center based on your time frame (morning or afternoon).


Another crucial aspect that must be taken into account while choosing a test facility is accessibility. If there are several choices, you should choose one depending on how easily it can be reached by public transportation.


Weekends and several federal holidays are often times during which GMAT testing locations are closed. However, depending on the exam center, this may differ. Therefore, it is wise to examine the availability of slots on the weekends and on holidays.

Size of the Test Center

The size of test centers can vary from modest (having only two test stations) to big (up to 15 test stations). In addition to the GMAT, the majority of centers offer a variety of other tests, each with a unique start time and test duration.

In a bigger testing facility, there can be additional test takers arriving and departing as you complete your exam. When taking tests, are you prone to being distracted? If that’s the case, you might want to consider it while choosing a location for the GMAT.

Things Provided at the Test Center

The following fundamental resources are available to everyone taking the GMAT at Pearson Vue testing locations:

  • Testing stations featuring a computer, keyboard, and two-button mouse that are partitioned or separate.
  • Lockers for securing personal items throughout the exam.
  • An independent check-in area with a workspace for the test administrator.
  • A notebook and erasable markers. (Extra markers and paper will be given upon request.)
  • Earplugs to aid with test-related noise isolation.

What if there are No GMAT Locations Near Me?

You have a few choices if you live far from even the closest GMAT testing facility.

Reconsider your Choice of Taking the GMAT

First, decide if you actually need to take the GMAT. While the majority of business schools do need a GMAT score, several do not, and an increasing number—including some of the premium MBA programs—will accept GRE results in place of the GMAT. You may have more possibilities for taking the GRE rather than the GMAT, as it’s offered at multiple sites.

Plan your Travel Beforehand

However, you will need to fly to a test facility if you do want or need to take the GMAT. Consider carefully when you’ll have ample time (and money) to register before enrolling. Are you going to require a car? Take the train or a bus? Fly? The good news is that you’ll probably have some freedom in selecting a day that allows you adequate time to go because the exam is administered on several days throughout the year.

Checking the Center Before

It’s also advisable to try out the course you will be going to prior to test day to make absolutely sure you don’t get astray. Many GMAT test locations are located in business parks or buildings, so practicing the route ahead can also help you locate the facility. The fewer potential problems that might arise and cause you to worry, the better!

What to Anticipate at the GMAT Test Center?

You risk being turned away and forfeiting your $250 test fee if you appear more than 15 minutes past your scheduled test time. If a friend or relative drives you to the exam, they are not permitted to wait in the testing facility. Make certain they have a place to wait while you conduct the exam.

When you enter, the assessor will verify your identification, take a digital photo of you and/or your signature, and scan your palm. These security procedures make sure you are who you claim you are, which helps to avoid cheating. You must have a government-issued picture ID that is original (not a copy). Your name in the Roman letters, a distinguishable photograph, your signature, and your birth date must all be included.

No personal objects may be brought into the testing area. Lockers are available at each testing facility for you to utilize to keep your personal items. Up to five note boards will be made available to you by the test’s creator to use as a study tool. During your break, you can get refreshments and meds, but you can’t use electronics until the exam is over.

There should not be a lot of noise in the testing area. Raise your hand if you require assistance or have a query, and the supervisor will assist you. Your testing time will be reduced if you need to exit the testing area at any point other than the breaks that are set aside for you. Be aware that the test administrator may record and report any lengthy or frequent breaks.

Does the Difficulty of the Test Depend On the Test Center?

Simply said, NO. The GMAT is a standardized exam that is administered in a very secure setting. The results of test-takers from around the world are used to compute the percentile scores. Additionally, the GMAC goes above and above to provide a fair testing environment for all applicants, regardless of location.

Basic Do’s and Don’ts

  • Throughout the entirety of the exam, you are not permitted to use your phone or notes. This is a major infraction that can be reported as misbehavior to the GMAC.
  • If this wrongdoing is reported, your exam scorecard may reflect it.
  • You are not allowed to use a calculator on the GMAT. Be sure to practice your GMAT calculation skills before the exam.
  • During the test, there are two 8-minute breaks offered between any two parts.
  • During these intervals, you are free to use the toilet and serve yourself the consumables you brought with you.
  • During the whole exam, you are not permitted to leave the testing facility.
  • If you need any assistance throughout the test, you must raise your hand, and the personnel will respond to you within 30 seconds as staff supervise the test area via overhead monitors. Without the test administrator present, you are not allowed to leave your examination location.
  • Both carrying weapons into the testing facility and keeping them in the authorized lockers are banned.

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