The AWA for many is one of the most intimidating section of the GMAT, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the idea of having to write an entire essay …
The Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA) section of the GMAT is one that many students find the most intimidating. The fact that it asks candidates to write a free-form essay – …
The GMAT AWA consists of a single long-form essay, and is an assessment of your ability to analyze and critique a flawed argument. It can be quite an intimidating section …
Integrated Reasoning
GMAT Integrated Reasoning Questions: What Do IR Questions Look Like?
15 minutes readGMAT Integrated Reasoning questions come in a variety of forms, and it’s this variety and the general lack of knowledge surrounding the marking criteria that can make the section so …
Integrated Reasoning
GMAT Integrated Reasoning Preparation – How to Prepare for the IR Section
15 minutes readWhen thinking about GMAT Integrated Reasoning preparation, it’s important to look at the big picture and ensure that you’re approaching the section from a macro perspective. The IR section is, …
It’s important to establish and cement an Integrated Reasoning GMAT strategy early on. You will encounter tables, graphs, written passages and other forms of data and graphics, and will be …
GMAT Tips & TricksIntegrated Reasoning
GMAT Integrated Reasoning Score – How Does the IR Impact your GMAT Score?
14 minutes readThe Integrated Reasoning (IR) section of the GMAT has been a part of the test since 2012. It is, by default, the second section that you’ll tackle in the GMAT …
Anybody gearing up for the GMAT could use some GMAT AWA writing tips. It’s the only freeform section of the test, and so the only one that involves any amount …
It’s a simple fact of life that sometimes, things don’t go to plan. Sometimes life gets in the way, and things need to be canceled, postponed or otherwise rescheduled. The …
GMAT Tips & Tricks
How Long to Prepare for the GMAT? Time Needed for GMAT Preparation
14 minutes readSitting the GMAT is a big moment in any candidate’s life, and it should be treated accordingly, with a sufficient amount of prep time put in so that you’re ready …